Winners Announced Autumn 22

Solent Quality Place Awards 2022 – Winners Announced!
Romsey Market Place has been crowned Solent’s best new public space by both judges and Hampshire residents, as the scheme wins both categories of the prestigious Solent Quality Place Awards 2022.
Earlier this year, architects, local authorities and businesses entered around 20 schemes into the sixth edition of the Solent Quality Place Awards. It’s the first time in more than ten years of running the awards that a scheme has taken both the ‘People’s Choice Award’ and the ‘Judge’s Choice Award’, which is the judges’ overall winner of the most outstanding scheme of all the 2022 entries.
This years Solent Quality Place Judge’s Choice and People’s Choice Winner:
Market Place, Romsey
This week, Cllr Seán Woodward, Chairman of Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) presented the design team from Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council, plus regional contractors Knights Brown with the awards.
“Initiatives such as the Solent Quality Place Awards are so important in promoting the importance of placemaking. This new public square in the heart of Romsey was developed to make it a safer, more attractive and inviting place for local residents, businesses and visitors to the town.
Congratulations to the winning scheme and thank you to the thousands of Hampshire residents who voted and contributed to the development’s success. Romsey Market Place has been a real example of how the design of a public space can increase the vibrancy of the centre as a focal point in the community.”
Councillor Edward Heron, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy, said: “It is a great honour that our improvements to Romsey town centre were voted best new public space for the Solent Quality Place Awards by not only by the judges but by Hampshire residents. With town centres across the country facing challenges, we have invested in Romsey for the future, delivering improvements aimed at encouraging more people to visit more often and stay longer.
“I am delighted that the judges highlighted the high-quality materials used – selected particularly to be in keeping with the surrounding historic buildings. This, together with new seating, waste bins, cycle parking and planting all contribute to improve residents’ experience of this important space. This scheme also supports the economic viability of Romsey’s historic town centre. Market Place was part of an overall enhancement project for Romsey Town Centre, representing a total of over £3 million.”
Deputy Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Councillor Nick Adams-King said: “I’m delighted Romsey’s Market Place has won this award. Everyone who lives here knows what a fantastic town Romsey is, but the enormous number of votes for the scheme shows that it’s immensely popular with not only locals but visitors too. Thanks to everyone who brought this scheme forward which has enhanced our town centre immeasurably.”
The design team for Market Place, comprised County Council Highways Engineers, Transport Planners and Landscape Architects, working with Test Valley Borough Council, to produce the design proposals, in close consultation with the Romsey Steering Board, whose members were senior representatives from the County Council, Test Valley Borough Council and Romsey Town Council, as well as local community interest groups.
Romsey, Market Place Romsey, Market Place Romsey, Market Place Cllr Seán Woodward presenting the Awards to (L-R) Cllr Cooper, Cllr Heron, Cllr Adams-King and Mayor of Romsey Neil Gwynne Officers and contractors from Hampshire County Council and Knights Brown accepting the Awards on behalf of the Project Team (L-R Anna Longley, John Sorrell, Duncan Glen, Brandon Breen, Rob Udy, John Guard, Paul Christy)and the other QUALITY PLACE AWARD WINNERS
Cllr Seán Woodward, had this message for the six other Solent Quality Place Award winners: “Congratulations on winning the Solent Quality Place Award 2022. Now in its sixth edition, these awards seek to recognise developments that contribute to improving the economic, social, cultural and environmental life of those who live within the region. Our judges credit you with the outstanding contributions you’ve made and with a tight public vote this year, you should take pride in how your development has improved the surroundings for people who live and work in the Solent region.”
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Charlotte Webb | 0370 779 6313 | [email protected]
©Solent Quality Place Awards 2022
Website by Vane